The Dakota Project

Zeldin Cares has teamed up with premium outerwear brand, Arctix, to launch the Dakota Project. This initiative is aimed at ensuring Americans sleeping on the streets and in shelters can be provided additional comfort and warmth. 

For the 2023 holiday season, we will be giving away 108,000 new, high-quality winter garments, including jackets, hats, gloves and more in men’s, women’s and children’s sizes. This effort by Arctix and Zeldin Cares, with a total value of over $5 million, will be distributed to qualified charitable organizations starting immediately. 

In addition to this donation, we are developing a first-of-its-kind, purpose built jacket made for people who sleep on the streets. Once finalized and produced, this jacket will be distributed in 2024. 

The inspiration behind the Dakota Project came from Chairman of Arctix’s teenage daughter, Dakota Bruderman, who thought of this simple, yet impactful, way to do her part to tackle the challenges facing our homeless population.

For more information, please visit


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